Does Smoking Cause Erectile Dysfunction?

There is universal agreement that smoking is harmful to health. There have been a lot of campaigns to get the word out there about the hazards of smoking. However, the possibility of erectile dysfunction is a consequence that has received less attention.

In fact, erectile dysfunction can be caused by smoking and tobacco use (ED). For this reason, smoking negatively impacts your sexual life as well as your overall health. Since your erectile function can improve after giving up smoking, the sooner you do so, the better. I want to talk to you about erectile dysfunction and smoking and how quitting can help you maintain a healthy sexual life.

If You Smoke, You're more likely to Experience Erectile Dysfunction Two-Fold:

For men, the risk of erectile dysfunction due to smoking is double that of non-smokers. While smoking has become less common over time, it remains a significant issue for the men who are most at risk for erectile dysfunction. Some statistics suggest that 20% of American men in their mid-30s are regular smokers. The likelihood of developing ED also rises with age. Erectile dysfunction affects about 52% of men between the ages of 40 and 70, despite affecting only 20% of men overall. For this reason, being a smoker over the age of 40 increases your risk of erectile dysfunction.

Erectile dysfunction risk may also be related to how much you smoke. Researchers have found that chronic heavy smokers have a higher risk of developing ED than light smokers. The likelihood of developing erectile dysfunction also increases in tandem with the number of years spent smoking. That being said, ED severity may also be affected by the cumulative effects of smoking on your body.

Daily life can be severely disrupted by erectile dysfunction. In addition to having an effect on your sexual life, it may also have an impact on your sense of self, your mood, and your relationships. Sexual dysfunction is a contributing factor in the low self-esteem and depression experienced by many men who have ED.

Erectile Dysfunction — What is it?

The inability to achieve or keep an erection satisfactory for sexual activity is known medically as erectile dysfunction. Erections are a fairly complex process involving many different systems, so this can happen for a variety of reasons.

Mentally stimulating and arousing oneself sexually is required for an erection, as this triggers the release of erection-inducing hormones in the brain and body. The arteries leading to your penis then loosen and dilate, bringing a higher blood flow there. In order to keep your erection going strong until you get to the bedroom, you need to keep your mind and body active.

If there's a problem with any of these steps, you might not get an erection or be able to keep it going for very long. However, some of the most common causes of ED are physical issues that restrict blood flow. Caverta 100 mg Online is the prescribed drug for the person suffering from erectile dysfunction.

Reasons Why Smoking Increases Your Chance of Developing Erectile Dysfunction:

Smoking has been linked to erectile dysfunction for decades now. Perhaps you're curious as to why, though. Erectile dysfunction can result from the negative effects of smoking on the cardiovascular system and the libido. Nicotine and the other chemicals in cigarettes cause these problems.

Smoking Stresses Your Heart:

Cigarette smoking is linked to erectile dysfunction in part because of the strain it places on the cardiovascular system. Cigarette smoking is very taxing on the cardiovascular system because of the chemicals contained in cigarettes. The adrenaline produced in response to nicotine also speeds up the heart rate and breathing and raises blood pressure. Long-term exposure to this level of stress can reduce your heart's efficiency at pumping blood and can also narrow your veins and arteries. These results extend to the penis as well as the rest of the body. Thus, smoking hinders the relaxation of the arteries necessary for erections and reduces the blood flow to the penis, making it difficult to achieve and maintain an erection. As a result, ED may develop.

Smoking Can Reduce Libido:

It has been shown that smoking can reduce a person's libido. Due to the chemicals in cigarettes, a person's testosterone levels may drop, resulting in a diminished desire to have sexual relations. The causes of low libido and erectile dysfunction are different, but the two conditions share some symptoms. It's tough to get or keep an erection going strong if you're not as interested in sex as you could be. As a result, this is yet another negative effect of tobacco use on sexual activity.

The Risk of Erectile Dysfunction is also increased in People Who Vape:

We've spent a lot of time discussing cigarettes, but what about e-cigarettes? Vaping refers to the practice of using electronic cigarettes, which vaporize liquid nicotine in place of smoking traditional cigarettes. The fact that it's promoted as a "safer" or "healthier" alternative to traditional tobacco cigarettes does not make it risk-free. While some people use e-cigarettes to help them quit smoking, an increasing number of people are becoming addicted to nicotine through e-cigarettes even though they've never smoked before. Unfortunately, similar to cigarette smoking, vaping has been linked to erectile dysfunction.

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To be sure, vaping is a cutting-edge innovation, but it has been around for at least a decade, and probably more. Lots of studies on vaping's effects have been done since then. New evidence suggests that vaping raises one's risk of erectile dysfunction. It has been found that erectile dysfunction (ED) occurs in about twice as many men who vape as in those who don't.

The Nicotine in E-Cigarettes May Cause Erectile Dysfunction:

Vaping may expose users to fewer toxins than smoking cigarettes, but it still delivers nicotine. In addition to other risk factors, nicotine itself is a major contributor to erectile dysfunction in smokers and vapors. As we've already discussed, nicotine can cause your body to release adrenaline, which puts your cardiovascular system in a constant state of overwork. It's a slippery slope to reduced blood flow to the penis. As with regular cigarettes, e-cigarettes can cause erection problems due to their high nicotine content.

The Good News is that giving up Cigarettes or e-Cigarettes can Help Men with Erectile Dysfunction:

With the causes of erectile dysfunction established, we can move on to discussing how smokers can get better results when trying to treat their ED. The good news is that once you quit smoking, many of the negative effects, including much of the damage that causes ED, will go away. Lowering your blood pressure and eliminating your risk of a heart attack are two of the immediate advantages of giving up smoking. If you've been smoking and want to improve your erections, quitting can boost your circulation in as little as two to twelve weeks. Consequently, if you want better sex life, you should consider giving up smoking.

If you want to stop smoking, consider these suggestions.

·         Set a quit date and get ready for it

·         Get rid of all tobacco products and ashtrays in your dwellings and places of work

·         Seek the encouragement of those around you

·         Every time you have a hankering for a cigarette, remind yourself of the many advantages of quitting, including a decrease in your erectile dysfunction

·         Heavy smokers should discuss the pros and cons of using over-the-counter or prescription smoking-cessation aids with their doctor


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